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вторник, 12 февраля 2013 г.

FDA reported about unsterile conditions at NECC

It is widely discussed about the meningitis outbreak that has happened in certain states of America. Contaminated Methylprednisolone Acetate injections caused fungal meningitis in over 500 persons. The contamination turned out to be fatal for 39 patients: they died. The majority of deaths took place in Tennessee.
It was determined that contaminated steroid injections had been produced by the New England Compounding Center (NECC) that is based in Massachusetts. The FDA tested the compounding center in order to determine what caused contamination and see the situation at the NECC. It was confirmed by the FDA that the contaminated steroid injections were indeed produced by this company.
The FDA told the Associated Press that it was obvious that manufacture of preparations was unsterile at the NECC. The FDA said that leaking water and uncontrolled temperature were just some problems at the compounding center. The equipment utilized for manufacture of solution for injections was unsterile.
Furthermore, the FDA stated that there were certain other contaminants. Some bacterial contaminants were discovered at the NECC. Although these contaminants were not real pathogens, they could cause infection too. These bacterial contaminants were found in such medicines, as Betamethasone and Triamcinolone. There were not any situations reported about contamination caused by intake of these medications. But it was stated that these medicines were also capable to produce contamination. Although the bacterial contaminants were anywhere in the environment, they had not to be in drugs. This fact pointed at unsterile conditions at the compounding center and confirmed that the Methylprednisolone Acetate injections turned out to be contaminated with fungal meningitis because they were prepared in improper conditions.
The situation made it clear that new rules on compounding pharmacies should be established. Contamination should be avoided. Otherwise, health of Americans is in danger.

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