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вторник, 29 января 2013 г.

Pete Rose hopes to get second chance

The former MLB player Pete Rose is a reasonable individual. He sees own faults and don’t blame others for his problems. He is an example for other athletes that have been discredited for steroid use or other faults.
As for Pete Rose, he was never linked to anabolic steroids. This athlete had essential success while playing baseball professionally. He got 3 World Series rings, a MVP award, 3 batting titles, 2 Gold Gloves, etc. Although Pete Rose didn’t administer steroids and other related preparations, he made another mistake. This person gambled on baseball games. As a result, he was banned from the Hall of Fame permanently.
Pete Rose hopes that the decision will be altered and he will be elected for the Baseball Hall of Fame.
Being in Cooperstown, Pete Rose’s wife was full of anger. She and her husband, a former great baseball player, had to watch Hall of Fame festivities as ordinary individuals. While Pete Rose’s wife was too disappointed, the former professional baseball player seemed not to have similar feelings.
Pete Rose affirms that he has patience. He will continue to wait until he gets the second chance. The sportsman promises that he will never gamble on games again. He notices that the second chance will be enough for him to manifest that he is a trustworthy person. He will not need to receive the 3rd chance.
Pete Rose tries to urge his wife that he is not in the Hall of Fame because of own behavior. He claims that they shouldn’t blame others. He is guilty. That’s why he is banned.
Pete Rose acknowledges that he is like Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa, Roger Clemens and other athletes connected with the steroid era. Pete Rose believes that Sammy Sosa, Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds are splendid baseball players that should enter the Hall of Fame. He makes it clear that Roger Clemens is not in the Baseball Hall of Fame just because of suspicions. This athlete hasn’t failed any drug test. You haven’t seen Roger Clemens having steroids and needles in his hand. That’s why you don’t have any right to claim that he has administered these drugs. Thus, it is not fair to blame and punish the celebrated baseball player while lacking proof.

Money can help you to avoid imprisonment

Does money leads to happiness? Undoubtedly, it doesn’t. But money possesses great power. Although it can’t make you happy, it has capacity to help to avoid jail in some cases. Let review the cases against Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens. One has probably believed that these persons will lose. But you should remember that rich guys never lose. Since they have money, they have many chances to win.
Barry Bonds was accused of lying to a grand jury. He said under the oath that he had never used any prohibited remedies. It seemed that Barry Bonds’ cheating became obvious and he would spend certain time in jail. But remember: this baseball player has much money. However he was convicted for obstruction of justice, he was sentenced just to house arrest and community service. Furthermore, he appealed even this light sentencing.
Roger Clemens, another athlete, was charged with lying under oath too. He claimed that he had never applied any banned drugs. Finally, the athlete was cleared of all charges. Roger Clemens didn’t lose too.
These cases show power of money. Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens have employed the best defense attorneys. Undoubtedly, you need much money in order to employ the wisest defense attorneys. Since Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens have money, they could hire Albert Pujols, Allen Ruby or Rustin Hardy. So, it is not surprisingly that federal prosecutors have lost under these circumstances.
Federal prosecutors lost also in other situations. For example, let mention the case against the celebrated American cyclist Lance Armstrong. The government decided to drop the case because it would lose.
However the government wasted much money for these cases, it couldn’t win. Federal prosecutors had just insignificant results in the cases linked with Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens.
Thus, if you are a professional sportsperson, you may apply steroids and/or other related preparations, if you have money. You should be rich enough to avoid prison. Otherwise, you will be discredited and punished harshly.

среда, 23 января 2013 г.

Barry Bonds claimed that steroids caused elbow injury in him

Kimberley Bell, Barry Bonds’ ex mistress appeared in the court to testify against the baseball player. This woman claimed that there were essential changes in physique of Barry Bonds. She noted that the athlete’s head increased. Kimberley Bell also mentioned that he had shrunken testicles. Moreover, he experienced hair loss and acne. According to this woman, Barry Bonds also had uncontrolled behavior. He was too aggressive and impatient. Such changes are commonly linked with usage of anabolic steroids.
Barry Bonds threatened to his ex mistress. He asked her disappear. Otherwise, he would murder her.
So, Kimberley Bell’s words served as a basis to continue accusing Barry Bonds of perjury and obstructing justice. Certain years ago the baseball player said under oath that he had never applied steroids. But as it turned out, he probably lied under oath.
Presenting information about Barry Bonds, Kimberley Bell began to cry two times during the course. Once she was interrupted by a defense attorney for Barry Bonds.
Kimberley Bell was asked whether intake of steroids was discussed by her and Barry Bonds. Bell said that once Barry Bonds affirmed that he was taking anabolic steroids. The baseball player had an elbow injury around 1999-2000. The injury was too serious, according to Kimberley Bell. Thus, she asked Barry Bonds about the severe injury. The baseball player affirmed that steroids induced increasing muscles significantly and quickly. As a result, the joint couldn’t handle so rapid and significant changes in the size of muscles.
Chris Arguedas, a defense attorney for the baseball player, accused Kimberley Bell of attempts to become celebrated and make money because of her relations with the well-known athlete. She tried to induce selling a book about her relations with Barry Bonds.

What is Baseball Hall of Fame without Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds?

Such famous baseball players, as Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens and Mike Piazza, have not been introduced into the Baseball Hall of Fame. Is it fair? These athletes have achieved unbelievable results while playing baseball professionally. But it is claimed that there is no any place for consumers of steroids in the Hall of Fame.
So, some individuals believe that if steroid users are elected for the Hall of Fame, it will have negative impact for future generations. Young individuals should understand that successful baseball players are those that haven’t doped. Actually, it is nonsense. Barry Bonds, Mike Piazza and Roger Clemens are always considered to be the best baseball players. If even they are not introduced into the Hall of Fame, they will be always praised. These sportspersons have achieved splendid results. No one can doubt about their achievements.
Let think logically. For example, you see the most beautiful girl in the town. But she can’t win Miss of America. Does she lose its beauty? Do you stop admiring of her beauty just because she hasn’t acquired the title of Miss of America? Answers are obvious. The same case is with Roger Clemens, Barry Bonds and Mike Piazza. They are brilliant players, regardless whether they will enter the Hall of Fame or not.
Barry Bonds got certain MVPs before he was linked to steroids. Roger Clemens became celebrated for his baseball skills before he was accused of doping. When it comes to Mike Piazza, nobody can contest that he is one of the best catchers.
It is claimed that the Baseball Hall of Fame is the place for the best baseball players that have ever played the game. Let suppose that Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens and Mike Piazza don’t belong to this category. Then we must create another category within the Baseball Hall of Fame. These players must enter the Hall of Fame. Otherwise, it loses its meaningfulness. Since the Hall of Fame is linked to greatness, it can’t exist without such excellent players, as Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens and Mike Piazza. Barry Bonds could make games exciting. He showed excellent baseball skills long before he was accused of doping. The same things may be said about Roger Clemens and Mike Piazza. The Hall of Fame loses its importance without these excellent players. That’s why it is important to consider these aspects and change the attitude towards these players and the Hall of Fame. Otherwise, the integrity of baseball will be destroyed.

воскресенье, 20 января 2013 г.

What should you do to lose weight?

The New Year is considered to be a time to produce changes in life. Many persons plan to do several things for improvement of physique since January. January is time for new beginnings. Numerous persons start using weight loss remedies since January. They want to lose extra fat since the New Year. The New Year is time of some new beginnings for sportspeople and bodybuilders too. Numerous sportspeople and bodybuilder begin to apply cycles with anabolic steroids in January. So, since the New Year certain individuals want to burn fat, others want to add muscle mass and energy. Certain other persons desire to reach several other goals linked with their physical appearances.
It is naturally that many individuals want to lose fat since the New Year. It is set that an individual usually adds 1-2 pounds since the Thanksgiving till the Christmas. When it comes to those that are predisposed to obesity, they add up to 5 pounds of fat during the same period of time. Undoubtedly, it is impossible to affirm the same things about professional sportspersons and bodybuilders because they usually can control weight gains. They have strict nutritional habits. That’s why they are unlikely to add great body fat, despites of holidays.
However numerous persons start doing something for improvement of physical appearance, not everybody reaches his/her goals. Unfortunately, a lot of individuals who don’t belong to professional bodybuilders don’t reach results connected with fat loss. We don’t desire to discourage anybody but this is the reality. Why do numerous individuals fail to achieve results linked with fat loss? A lot of individuals use FDA-approved preparations for this purpose. But it is needed to note that these products are not efficacious for weight loss. You should know that bodybuilders usually don’t use FDA-approved weight loss drugs. Moreover, ordinary people don’t possess knowledge about correct nutrition which would be proper for weight loss. In addition to these factors, it is necessary to perform some physical exercises in order to reach significant results.
That’s why it is recommended to do own research linked with efficient methods applied for weight loss. Don’t worry! You may find proper information on different sites. Find out what sportspeople and bodybuilders do and use for weight loss. This knowledge can help you to apply right ways and achieve amazing results.

Lance Armstrong admits to using banned substances

An individual who didn’t want to be indentified has reported that Lance Armstrong is going to admit to applying banned products during an interview with the American media proprietor Oprah Winfrey. Is this a right decision of the prominent cyclist? Points of view differ. Some persons believe that if the disgraced American cyclist admits to doping, his reputation will be restored. Others suppose that the admission will change nothing. Certain other individuals claim that if Lance Armstrong does it, he will probably go to prison.
As you know, Lance Armstrong denied using steroids and other forbidden preparations. He seemed to succeed till the USADA released a report on him. The USADA’s report provided doping evidence. As a result, the cyclist was stripped of his 7 Tour de France titles. Moreover, his sponsors left him. In addition to these negative results, Lance Armstrong had to distance himself from the foundation Livestrong in order to prevent hurting it.
Will Lance Armstrong admit to applying prohibited medications? Which will be results?
Several experts claim that prosecution will begin, if Lance Armstrong admits to doping. The cyclist has claimed under the oath that he never applied any banned substances. Thus, if he admits to doping, it means that he admits to lying under the oath. As a result, he may go to jail. That’s why some experts say that Lance Armstrong should continue denying doping.
But there are individuals who believe that the admission will alter nothing. Millions of persons with cancer that have survived with the help of Livestrong praise Lance Armstrong. The American cyclist is a hero for them. These individuals like him, regardless of whether he has doped or not. If even Lance Armstrong admits to taking banned preparations throughout his cycling career, these individuals will continue to support him.
But there is also another point of view. If Lance Armstrong provides important information about doping in the US Postal Service Cycling Team, his ban from competitions may be reduced. So, the disgraced cyclist will probably compete again.
It is unclear whether Lance Armstrong will really admit and which results will follow.

вторник, 15 января 2013 г.

Doping made Lance Armstrong finalist for “Texan of the Year” award

The Dallas Morning News is a daily newspaper that is quite popular in the USA. Certain persons whose deeds have essential impact on the society are chosen every year for the “Texan of the Year” award. It is necessary to note that not just positive deeds are taken into account. Even deeds that have been influenced on the society negatively may induce receiving the “Texan of the Year” award. So, Lance Armstrong’s doping case made the cyclist the finalist for the “Texan of the Year” award.
As you know, Lance Armstrong’s doping case is not pleasant. However this scandal disgraced the celebrated American cyclist, it made him more prominent. The doping case had great influence on the society. A lot of individuals discussed the situation linked with his usage of anabolic steroids, EPO and other related products. A lot of persons focused on the following questions: “Have Lance Armstrong really taken doping products?”, Why has he lied?”, Which remedies have been used by him?”, How could he avoid detection?”, etc.
The Dallas Morning News didn’t fail to describe positive actions of Lance Armstrong as well. The newspaper noted about efforts of the cyclist for the foundation that helps people experience cancer to survive. The athlete also promoted developing centers for studies linked with treatment of cancer. The Dallas Morning News noticed also about achievements of the sportsman that were done during his cycling career. Since young age Lance Armstrong succeeded in cycling. He acquired many awards. Lance Armstrong got 7 Tour de France titles.
Even testicular cancer couldn’t have negative influence on the prominent cyclist. However the cancer spread over the body, Lance Armstrong got rid of this dreadful trouble. Moreover, he returned to professional cycling after his treatment and continued to succeed. While all positive deeds of Lance Armstrong didn’t make him a finalist for the “Texan of the Year” award, his doping scandal did it. Undoubtedly, the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) contributed to his award. A report on Lance Armstrong’s doping case was written by the USADA. Moreover, the cyclist’s sponsors dropped him after it was proven that he had doped. Thus, many individuals were convinced that the cyclist had applied prohibited drugs.
Texans admired of Lance Armstrong, when he had success in cycling. But when this athlete fell down, they began to blame him. It is not surprisingly because this is the nature of Texans. While they prefer to make several persons heroes, they prefer to demonize them as well.

Usage of marijuana is concern in MMA

The UFC president Dana White believes that many MMA fighters take marijuana. He is troubled by this issue. While anti-doping organizations try to clean sports from usage of steroids and other related preparations, the UFC president notices that it is necessary to test fighters for recreational drugs randomly. The UFC president affirms: “Forget about steroids!” He affirms that it is the time to be troubled by usage of marijuana and other recreational drugs by MMA fighters.
It is known that those that are caught using steroids and/or other doping products receive suspensions. Which sanctions are for those who test positive for recreational drugs? You should know that the punishment is similar.
Don’t you wonder how many fighters are caught applying marijuana and/or other related substances, if random testing for recreational drugs will be conducted in the UFC?
475 fighters have signed contracts with the UFC. It is suggested that if random testing is established, about 80% of these athletes will test positive for these drugs.
The United State Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) and the Voluntary Anti-Doping Agency (VADA) would be glad to sign a contract with the UFC in order to promote cleaning it from doping. They claim that the UFC should have the same anti-doping program like other sports organizations have. But Dana White doesn’t want to sign a contract with the USDADA and the VADA. He underlines that the State Athletic Commission test fighters for banned substances. It is enough in order to clean the UFC from administration of banned preparations, according to Dana White.
It becomes obvious that the UFc president doesn’t wish to clean MMA from doping. Previously he has pronounced several statements for support of testosterone replacement therapy among fighters. He has said that any fighter should use anabolic steroids under instructions of his health care provider, if he has hypogonadism. Athletes must get therapeutic use exemptions in order to compete professionally while applying certain steroids. But it is possible to suppose that therapeutic use exemptions often serve as an excuse for doping. Many celebrated fighters have obtained therapeutic use exemptions and administer steroids while fighting. So, doping continues to prosper in MMA.
Why doesn’t Dana White put efforts to eradicate usage of performance-enhancing drugs and smoking pot from MMA? Think logically! The fight against doping and smoking will influence on business negatively.

воскресенье, 13 января 2013 г.

Is it fair to blame steroid use in our society?

Reporters often write articles about those that have unnatural muscles and strength. Reading their statements, you can notice that those that administer steroids and/or other related medications are harshly demonized. Such persons are criticized in the society. They are called “cheaters”. It is said that those who use steroids for athletic purposes may get addiction to these medications. Numerous articles also contain information linked with potential negative reactions of steroids. Although some negative results appear in steroid users, others are not proven scientifically. For example, it is widely reported about violence and murders committed by consumers of steroids. It is affirmed that anabolic steroids may cause uncontrolled behavior which results in crimes. However, so named “roid rage” connected with these drugs is considered to be a controversial issue.
Many persons affirm that usage of anabolic steroids for increase of muscle mass and strength, hardening of muscles and fat burning is a moral issue. Let analyze! Is this affirmation free from hypocrisy? Why are just anabolic steroids blamed? Do just these medications make the society unnatural? Let examine other conditions of our society! What do you think about sex stimulants? It is said that you should not suffer from sexual disorders, when there are appropriate drugs to get rid of such problems. Furthermore, what do you think about preparations for anti-aging needs? Why should you have evident wrinkles, if there are ways to hide your age? Models and actors administer several medicines but they are not called “cheaters”. Students use certain medicines in order to increase their cognitive abilities. They are not blamed too. Some scientists that have conducted several studies affirm that those that take steroids for enhancement of physical abilities are more harshly demonized than those that administer some products to increase cognitive abilities. Is it fair?
As you see, our society is full of hypocrisy, ignorance and unfair accusations. May you demonize steroid users in this society? May you state that application of steroids for performance-enhancing effects is a moral issue? Be real! If you begin to blame steroid users, don’t forget about other conditions in the society!

There is difference between those that use steroids for athletic needs and those that take them for clinical purposes

Application of anabolic steroids for testosterone replacement therapy by sportspeople is a controversial issue. There are many debates linked with it. It is known by everyone that steroids and certain other related medications are forbidden in many sports organizations. But if a person should take these medications under instructions of his/her doctor for therapeutic purposes, he/she should receive a therapeutic use exemption. Although it is allowed to use even anabolic steroids for therapeutic needs, such athletes are frequently blamed and named “cheaters”. Actually, it is unfair.
What does Dana White, the UFC president, think about intake of steroids for testosterone replacement therapy? Does he blame fighters that use steroids in order to increase their reduced levels of testosterone? The UFC president states that any man with hypogonadism should administer steroids, if these products are recommended by his doctor. However it is fair, let note why several sportsmen have reduced levels of testosterone. It is proven scientifically that steroid abuse may cause suppression of natural testosterone secretion. Thus, several fighters and other athletes that have administered previously steroids for performance-enhancing effects may experience hypogonadism. Hence, their health care providers prescribe them applying some steroids in order to increase their testosterone levels.
According to Dana White, testosterone replacement therapy is legal for all individuals, including professional sportsmen. So, if any athlete has hypogonadism, he should be allowed to take steroids prescribed by his health care provider. He should get normal testosterone levels which characterize any healthy man of his age.
But Dana White makes it clear that any fighter or another sportsman that uses anabolic steroids and/or other forbidden medicines for athletic purposes must be suspended from competitions. It is necessary to make difference between those that apply steroids for medical purposes and those that desire to increase muscle mass and strength with the help these medicines. No one is allowed to take anabolic steroids for athletic purposes. It is banned in sports. Those that break anti-doping rules should be sanctioned. Sports must be drug-free.
It seems to be strange that statements of Dana White differ significantly from affirmations presented by anti-doping officials. As you know, words of some anti-doping officials for steroid users are much harsher than those pronounced by the UFC president.