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вторник, 31 января 2012 г.

Rhabdomyolsis of the players of the Iowa Hawkeyes football team could be caused by hard trainings

More than 10 players of the Iowa Hawkeyes football team were taken in hospital due to  rhabdomyolsis. This is an illness linked with prompt destruction of skeletal muscle that results in leakage into urine the muscle protein myoglobin. Individuals with this condition suffer from serious muscle pains, weakness and soreness. Since byproducts of the muscle damage become toxic to the kidneys, there is an increased risk of kidney failure under this circumstance.
Experts started promptly to blame nephrotoxic supplements or anabolic steroids in occurring of rhabdomyolsis in players of the Hawkeyes but there was no any  link between these drugs and this condition in them. The physician James Williams told to CBS during an interview that nephrotoxic supplements were responsible for the disease in these football players. He confirmed that persons had dehydration, when their muscles became broken due to hard trainings. When supplements are administrated in such cases, they are turned to be toxic to kidneys directly, according to James William. He added that this condition led to rhabdomyolsis.
Unluckily, the media didn’t interview real high-qualified experts. Only so-called specialists were asked by media. That’s why the affirmations were misleading.
It is said that Mike Gimbel of a Maryland anti-steroid and anti-supplement organization doesn’t possess enough knowledge. Mike Gimbel just confirms that however they do not know how the supplements act in body and whether they lead to any benefits, these medications are very dangerous for health.
Nevertheless, certain facts showed that anabolic steroids were not responsible for rhabdomyolsis of the football players. These players submitted to tests for forbidden medications and they tested negative. Furthermore, a specialist has studied and shown that there was no any relation between muscle damages and anabolic steroids or HGH. Richard J. Auchus, an expert on steroid metabolism at the University of Texas Southwestern in Dallas, points out that gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid is the only product that could cause rhabdomyolsis. Sometimes this drug is taken for anabolic effects as well. This is an illegal medication. Some experts like Auchus, a consultant of the U. S. Anti-Doping Agency, confirm that no any substance is to be blamed for rhabdomyolsis of the players. He claims that the muscle destruction is caused by extremely hard training to which the trainers pushed the football players.
The trainer Chris Doyle will be probably blamed for rhabodomyolsis of the football players, if steroids or other supplements will be not turned to be the reasons of the disease. Who knows? Even sport in itself may be accompanied by certain risks.

The Pittsburgh Steelers are not guilty in the steroid revolution in professional football

When it is said that the Pittsburgh Steelers are going to play, reporters seem to have responsibility to write about their connections with steroids. They put efforts to create a steroid scandal and to find any possible links of this team with it.
Mike Fish of ESPN showed the same attitude, when the Steelers played in the 2009 Super Bowl.  Thisjournalist turned to have luck in writing news linked with this football team and steroids.
Although reporters are not always successful, when it comes to allegations of a team or an individual with performance-enhancing drugs before a competition, the situation is changed, if it is spoken about the Pittsburgh Steelers. Sportswriters prefer writing about their history, about the lesson linked with anabolic steroids that took place in 1970s.
David Fleming wrote about historical lessons of the Pittsburgh Steelers before a game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Green Bay Packers. This person mentioned about time, when the NFL hadn’t yet prohibited intake of steroids. Thus, according to some sources, players of the Pittsburgh Steelers applied steroids in the late 1970s. It is noticed in the 1991 book “False Glory: The Steve Courson Story” that over 70 % of the offensive linemen of the Steelers  applied steroids.
It must have been true but you must understand that administration of steroids was not banned. Why are the Pittsburgh Steelers blamed, if application of steroids was allowed?
Jim Haslett told the New Orleans Saints that the Steelers had won a lot if times in 1970s and in 1980s because of steroids. According to this trainer, the football players of the team became much more powerful due to steroids.
But it is important to be cautious here. The Steelers were not the first football team that took steroids and other medicines which possess performance-enhancing effects. There were other teams in professional football that took steroids even in well-organized manner.
Matt Chaneygives the better explanation linked with administration of steroids by football players. He noted in his book “The Spiral of Denial: Muscle Doping in American football” that the Pittsburgh Steelers hadn’t to be blamed for the steroid revolution in football. There was another team that had to be condemned for this aspect. The San Diego Charges administrated steroids before the Steelers in 1960s.  
Although the Pittsburgh Steelers administrated steroids in 1970s, it is impossible to suppose that they won due to steroids. There were also players of other teams who used these medications as well. Nevertheless, the Pittsburgh Steelers were successful!

воскресенье, 29 января 2012 г.

Trenbolone is worthy to be appreciated correctly

Trenbolone is a steroid which is administrated in bodybuilding for many years. Unfortunately, this medication has never been claimed to be  a good product for clinical purposes. It isn’t approved for human usage by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Trenbolone has been demonized many times by media. Numerous articles have assured that this drug is very  dangerous. But recent studies have displayed opposite aspects. It is believed that general attitude to trenbolone can be soon  changed. Experts from Florida, including Joshua Yarrow, consider that this medication may be used as testosterone for hormone replacement therapy.  They say that it is an excellent alternative product to testosterone for the need mentioned above. Results of researches led by these experts have been published in the American Journal of Physiology – Endocrinology and Metabolism.
Moreover, the experts report that trenbolone enanthate has even several priorities over testosterone for certain patients. Bodybuilders  know and support the affirmations connected with this steroid. As it is known, testosterone aromatases. As for trenbolone, it is converted neither to estradiol, nor to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). That’s why trenbolone doesn’t cause unwanted consequences connected with estrogen and DHT.
Yarrow  reports about the researches conducted by him and his colleagues. Castrated rats have been given trenbolone enanthate.  Even reduced quantities of this drug have induced their muscle size and kept bone mineral density. There have not been reported such unwanted symptoms, as prostate enlargement or polycythemia in these lab rats.
But extremely enhanced measures of testosterone enanthate were required to produce the same anabolic effects in muscles as were produced by low quantities of trenbolone enanthate. But such unwanted reactions, as enlargement of prostate and increased hemoglobin accompanied the induced quantities of testosterone enanthate. It is supposed by the researchers that trenbolone acts like selective androgen receptor modulators, producing anabolic effects in muscles and bones without androgenic undesirable effects.
Professional competitive bodybuilders prefer using trenbolone several weeks before competitions because it lead to fat loss. Moreover, the studies have displayed that the same quantities of trenbolone have more powerful lipolytic effects than those of testosterone. It has been determined that more trenbolone an individual uses, the greater the fat loss is produced.
Since trenbolone lacks aromatization, it is commonly stacked with such steroids, as testosterone, Dianabol or with another aromatizable steroid. The lack of aromatization leads trenbolone to disability to be used alone for hormone replacement therapy. The non-aromatizable feature of this remedy is responsible for just partial protective effect of bones.
Nonetheless, it is possible to conclude that additional researches are needed in order to apply trenbolone for hormone replacement therapy.

Amounts of Clenbuterol detected in Alberto Contador are extremely small

The professional cyclist Alberto Contador that won the 2010 Tour de France tested positive for Clenbuterol. Quantities of this substance in his body were too small. They were 40 times less than its minimum standard of the detection capacity. But the World Anti-Doping Agency is completely intolerable when it comes to this preparation. Any amount of this product uncovered in an athlete’s body causes ban.
The Spanish cyclist Alberto contador confirms that contaminated meat has to be blamed for his positive related to this substance. A lot of specialists believe himbecause the amount uncovered in his urine are extremely small.   Nonetheless, the cyсlist Alberto Contadorreceived a ban.
The anti-doping expert of Contador’s defense team Douwe de Boer notes that he becomes disappointed in decisions of the WADA day by day. He mentions that he seems as if the WADA enjoyed to ban innocent athletes but not to catch cheaters.
Zhao Jian of China’s Anti-Doping Agency confirms that a person may test positive from contaminated meat. It isn’t just anyone’s point of view. This statement has scientific basis. The specialist Detlef Thieme of the Institute of Doping Analysis and Sports from Germany supports this statement too.  He assures that nobody can doubt about it.
The expert Wilhelm Schaenzer of the Laboratory for Doping Analysis from Germany assures that it is an evident problem that they are not capable to investigate and define doping clearly.
According to anti-doping studies conducted in Cologne, it is easier to detect Clenbuterol from contaminated meat than from intentional use of this preparation for athletic needs.
China’s National Anti-Doping Laboratory informs that experiments conducted by them have displayed that consumption of pork meat containing Clenbuterol can lead to positives for this substance.
Nevertheless, there are skeptic people who think that the cyclist Alberto contador has taken prohibited medications.
Skeptic attitude to the cyclist Alberto Contador can be explained by the condition that use of EPO, anabolic steroids, HGH and other drugs that possess performance-enhancing effects is widespread in cycling. The former cyclists Floyd Landis and Bernhard Kohl that have been caught by the WADA claim that all cyclists use performance-enhancing drugs. The chemist Patrick Arnold has the same point of view.

понедельник, 23 января 2012 г.

Two football players from the University of Waterloo received refusal, when they wanted to transfer to another college

Anti-doping agencies do not act fairly in several situations. Since certain persons are caught taking steroids, the whole teams receive suspensions. So, athletes who don’t violate anti-doping laws receive suspensions together with cheaters. Can’t you find it  unfair? Why should good athletes be kept from making their hopes and dreams real, while other persons lie?
The Waterloo football program was shut down for a year. It was a result of an investigation.  Everything started from a bust of a player who was caught having many  vials of anabolic steroids and HGH. It resulted in numerous investigations conducted in Canadian colleges. The investigations were led by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport.
An investigation showed eight positives of the Waterloo football players. The decision was to suspend the whole team for a year.
Unluckily, innocent players of the Waterloo College were punished together with cheaters who applied forbidden performance-enhancing preparations. The football players Matt Vonk and Steve Ples  played at Laurier before the scandal linked with steroids and the suspension. These two football players didn’t use steroids. That’s why These football players hadn’t receive the suspension.
These two players intended to transfer to another college in order to realize their dreams linked with football. But they received refusal. So, these innocent football players will be kept from playing football the whole year.

Journalists who write about steroids should study this subject before writing

Since themes linked with steroids are widely read around the world, many journalists present them even without appropriate knowledge related to these products. Certain journalists are not able even spell names of the drugs about which they write pieces of news. When an article’s topic is linked with a well-known steroid used by many sportspersons, readers are waiting for finding out about essential features and researches related to this steroid. A journalist that writes about a steroid has to possess at least general information about it.
Unfortunately, you can come across significant lack of knowledge, when you read news related to steroids. For example, the reporter Matthew Kelly has written an article about Nandrolone Decanoate that was published in the Newcastle Herald newspaper. It is known that the trade name of this drug is very popular. Sportsmen frequently say shortly: they call it just Deca instead of Deca Durabolin.  The name  “Deca Durabolin” has been used for more than 50 years. But the reporter Matthew Herald has done mistakes even in the name of this well-known steroid. This journalist has written it following: Decca Duarbulon. Could you trust this journalist? Could you be sure that the other statements that are provided by this author  are true, if he can’t even write the name of the preparation correctly? Moreover, it is not the only case displayed the lack of knowledge  about the things he writes. The Newcastle Herald seems to lack researches related to steroids. Kelly asks the local trainer to support his statement about steroids that is following: black market of anabolic steroids is full of young bodybuilders that seek drugs that have performance-enhancing effects to build muscled bodies. Since it must be true, the trainer can’t support the confirmation because he knows just the aspects he has been said. He can report nothing actually because he is not involved in this problem directly.
Another lack of researches is displayed in the Newcastle Herald’s description of the way to detect users of steroids. It is written that if a person has muscled arms but not chest or  a massive chest and not arms, he\she is steroid user. This is the “depth” of studies provided by the Newcastle Herald.