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вторник, 29 января 2013 г.

Money can help you to avoid imprisonment

Does money leads to happiness? Undoubtedly, it doesn’t. But money possesses great power. Although it can’t make you happy, it has capacity to help to avoid jail in some cases. Let review the cases against Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens. One has probably believed that these persons will lose. But you should remember that rich guys never lose. Since they have money, they have many chances to win.
Barry Bonds was accused of lying to a grand jury. He said under the oath that he had never used any prohibited remedies. It seemed that Barry Bonds’ cheating became obvious and he would spend certain time in jail. But remember: this baseball player has much money. However he was convicted for obstruction of justice, he was sentenced just to house arrest and community service. Furthermore, he appealed even this light sentencing.
Roger Clemens, another athlete, was charged with lying under oath too. He claimed that he had never applied any banned drugs. Finally, the athlete was cleared of all charges. Roger Clemens didn’t lose too.
These cases show power of money. Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens have employed the best defense attorneys. Undoubtedly, you need much money in order to employ the wisest defense attorneys. Since Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens have money, they could hire Albert Pujols, Allen Ruby or Rustin Hardy. So, it is not surprisingly that federal prosecutors have lost under these circumstances.
Federal prosecutors lost also in other situations. For example, let mention the case against the celebrated American cyclist Lance Armstrong. The government decided to drop the case because it would lose.
However the government wasted much money for these cases, it couldn’t win. Federal prosecutors had just insignificant results in the cases linked with Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens.
Thus, if you are a professional sportsperson, you may apply steroids and/or other related preparations, if you have money. You should be rich enough to avoid prison. Otherwise, you will be discredited and punished harshly.

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