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среда, 8 февраля 2012 г.

A special drug tax law exists in Louisiana for about 20 years

A special drug tax has to be paid in Louisiana for sales of steroids. This tax exists in this state for the past 20 years. Thus, Todd Matherne, a steroid dealer had to pay 52 million dollars because he distributed a lot of steroids with the labels of the “Zencall Labs”.  This man was sentenced to 7 years in prison but he served 3 years of them.
In fact, Todd  Matherne didn’t know the Louisiana’s drug stamp law. But when he was released from the jail, he studied this law. As a result, he filed a lawsuit against the State of Louisiana, confirming that it was too cruel to enforce him to pay 52 million of dollars. Todd Matherne pointed out that it had been an unusual and even too cruel punishment. This person pointed out that his rights were violated.
The Louisiana Department of Revenue didn’t fight against this man in the court. It was decided to regulate this question. Thus, the tax was reduced significantly. According to the new decision, Todd Matherne had to pay only 2, 000 dollars instead of 52 million dollars. Nonetheless, the drug tax law has remained in Louisiana but its constitutionality is still discussed.
John Williams, a specialist in drug prosecution for the Louisiana District Attorney Association, claimed that some laws in different other states were ruled unconstitutionally. He added that it was the same with the drug tax law in Louisiana. But since certain laws try to criminal twice the same crime, they may be lifted.
This specialist said that this law couldn’t work well because it might give the possibility to defendants to escape from criminal prosecution. Williams pointed out that the drug tax law was not being used because a criminal case could be lost in exchange only for taxes.
There is also another reason that may explain why law enforcements do not desire to impose the drug tax law in Louisiana. Law enforcements do not support this law because the taxes go not to law enforcement; they go to state agencies.
According to drug tax law, the tax of 200 dollars is indicated per 1 g of anabolic steroids, if they are distributed by weight. If these medications are distributed by dosage units, it is indicated to pay 400 dollars for 10 dose units.
As for Todd Matherne, he was a steroid dealer of the immense underground lab called “Zencall Labs”. The Louisiana State Police busted “Zencall labs” in 2005. Over 10, 000 tablets and 300 capsules of Winstrol, over 6, 000 tablets of Anadrol, 3,500 tablets and 1, 900 capsules of Cialis, 1, 5000 capsules of Tamoxifen, 2, 400 capsules of Clomid, 800 capsules of Anabol and 600 capsules of Dianabol were seized by the  police officers. Furthermore, over 700 vials of injectable anabolic steroids and certain pounds of raw steroid powder were also seized.

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