Certain sportspersons who are suspected of steroid use become targets of the government. Feds do almost anything in order to learn whether several sportspersons have taken any performance-enhancing drugs. They don’t spare taxpayers’ funds for this goal. Much money is wasted to learn even private life of sportspersons. According to the government, certain details of their private behavior can reveal the truth about application of prohibited substances. Thus, girlfriends of certain athletes are interviewed by feds.
For example, it has been disclosed that former girlfriends of Lance Armstrong and Roger Clemens and a former mistress of Barry Bonds have been asked about several details related to private life of these athletes. Which questions were asked?
Kimberly Bell, a former mistress of Barry Bonds, was asked about testicles of this baseball player. She noted that the athlete’s testicles were shrunken. So, her answer served as a proof that Barry Bonds applied steroids and/or other prohibited medications.
It is known that shrinkage of testicles belongs to negative effects of certain steroids. Thus, the government decided to find out whether Barry Bonds had had this trouble. But it is an unreliable argument in order to prove that anyone has administered some forbidden drugs. Steroid users can prevent this undesirable consequence, if they apply some drugs for this need.
Mindy McCready, a former mistress of Roger Clemens, was asked whether this former baseball player had had erectile dysfunctions. The singer affirmed that sometimes Roger Clemens had experienced this problem.
As for erectile dysfunctions, they may occur during intake of steroids. But if you study information about side effects of steroids more attentively, you can comprehend that this problem is more likely to appear after discontinuation of usage. It happens because natural testosterone production is normally suppressed by intake of exogenous testosterone. But since there are such products that are able to regenerate natural production of testosterone, erectile dysfunctions can be prevented.
Sheryl Crow, a former girlfriend of Lance Armstrong, was also targeted by federal prosecutors. But questions are not revealed. According to several suppositions, she might have been asked also about sexuality of the cyclist.
In fact, the government has a wrong point of view in this case. However shrinkage of testicles and erectile dysfunctions may appear on account of steroid use, these arguments are not reliable.
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