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понедельник, 25 февраля 2013 г.

Illegal operations conducted by compounding pharmacies

Numerous drug manufacturers violate laws. But only some of them are punished harshly. Numerous drug manufacturers avoid harsh penalties without significant efforts. But only when serious scandals result from illicit actions of drug manufacturers, they are sentenced to appropriate penalties. For example, everyone is aware of the meningitis outbreak which has spread across the country because of contaminated steroid injections manufactured by a Massachusetts compounding pharmacy. Of course, owners and officials of the company will be sanctioned harshly. But when illegal activities of compounding pharmacies don’t result in such serious troubles, they continue with their business successfully.
The media reports about illegal operations linked with anabolic steroids, painkillers and other prescription drugs daily. But you may see that pharmaceutical companies get just insignificant sentencing for illegal distribution of anabolic-androgenic steroids and other doping products. So, sportspersons and bodybuilders have free access to performance-enhancing drugs. They get anabolic steroids and other related products from compounding centers and take them for athletic purposes. Furthermore, several pharmaceutical companies provide fake prescriptions for anabolic steroids. Corrupt physicians supply customers of pharmaceutical companies with prescriptions which are given without needed examination of customers’ individual conditions.
Compounding pharmacies are responsible not only for illicit distribution of anabolic steroids. Some compounding pharmacies manufacture medicines in unsterile conditions. As a result, many persons get tainted products and suffer from serious complications, taking  these drugs. Several persons even die from contamination caused by application of tainted medications. As you are possibly informed, 39 persons died because of fungal meningitis resulted from tainted methylprednisolone acetate injections.
The recent contamination with fungal meningitis should influence on decisions of appropriate authorities. Criminal penalties should take place. Otherwise, health of numerous persons is in a great danger. Prescription medicines must be sold just under real prescriptions. All medications must be manufactured in sterile conditions. If pharmaceutical companies don’t obey all laws, they must be sanctioned. They must not be permitted to continue with business, if they violate laws. Forfeiture of licenses should be accompanied by other harsh sanctions.

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